Dental veneers refer to a treatment that improves the size, shape, and color of the tooth or teeth. With the teeth’s improved appearance, the smile aesthetics can be also improved.

Dental veneers are usually offered to those patients with mild dental conditions such as stained, chipped or misaligned teeth. Veneers are generally designed for making the teeth look more natural and straighter when smiling. Dental veneers, which can be made from white composite or porcelain material depending on the preference of the patient, are usually sculpted and then matched to the choice of shade.

Veneers Treatment

Veneers produce brighter, and more symmetrical teeth that others would envy. Evidently, the purpose of dental veneers is mostly cosmetic. Dental veneers improve the smile appearance.

There are patients who opted for either Inman aligner or invisalign to straighten their teeth prior to undergoing dental veneers treatment. Veneers can be utilized to fill small gaps, leading to proper alignment of the teeth. Veneers can also be used in aligning a tooth or teeth.

Veneers Procedure

Dental veneers procedure is needs based. Veneers are produced uniquely. It will be applied onto the prepared teeth with the use of a bonding agent. Oral impressions are taken prior to placing the veneers. The dentist often show the before and after case studies prior to starting the treatment. In this way, the patients would know what to expect after the procedure.

There are different types of veneer whereby the patient can choose from. Patients may choose between thin and ultra-thin dental veneers. There are also Lumineers that provide patients with various choices in terms of size, shape, shade and durability of the veneers that will suit the dental needs of the individual.

Whichever the patient chooses, dental veneers can absolutely improve teeth symmetry and color, boosting self-confidence in the process. This is more so when the patients are noticing the visible outcomes of undergoing the treatment.