We ensure that patients suffering from missing teeth will be provided with teeth replacement for optimal dental functionality. Our dentists conduct teeth in a day treatment, which utilizes current dentistry innovations in creating natural-looking replacements.

Traditionally, patients have to wait for about 6 weeks before the custom-made implants to fuse with the jawbone structure. Permanent dental implants will be placed when the area is completely healed, which also takes some time. Such a process is made faster by the advanced technologies that we use. Today, patients may have their new set(s) of teeth in one day.

Teeth in a Day Procedure

Teeth in a day dental implants provide patients with missing tooth or teeth amazingly quick replacements. Patients need not worry since this treatment is also very effective. What the dentist will do is to affix artificial tooth or teeth restoration to the implant(s). In this way, patients will be provided with more natural looking and fully functioning teeth within the same day.

Teeth in a Day Benefits and Risks

With an almost instant set of teeth, patients will enjoy completely functional and aesthetically appealing teeth. There is no need for several dental appointments since it only takes a day for the procedure to be completed – no waiting required, no temporary implant to be inserted. Also, teeth in a day can be maintained in the same way you do with your normal teeth.

On the other hand, like all other surgical procedures, there are specific risks involved. Our dentists are trained in maximizing successful completion of the procedure to obtain optimum results and in minimizing the risks associated with the procedure.

Failure to replace missing tooth or teeth may lead to unnecessary consequences including too much stress on the jaw structure. This can also cause dental trauma, promoting infection and another tooth loss in the process. There is also the possibility of jawbone shrinkage that often manifest through sagging. Teeth in a day procedure prevent bone shrinkage and thus, preserving the facial volume as it fills the tooth gap.