Invisalign refers to a teeth straightening treatment for both teenagers and adults. Invisalign can be considered as the most discreet dental treatment that treats people with even severe orthodontic problems. Depending on the nature of the problem, visible results can be seen between 6 to 18 months.

How Does Invisalign Treatment Works?

Invisalign purports at enhancing alignment of the teeth gradually using clear aligners. These aligners are replaced after two weeks. In the entire treatment, the patient is required to wear a removable aligner progressively. These aligners are like see-through mouth guards that must be worn for about 22 hours daily.

Invisalign Treatment

Such a modern orthodontic treatment, invisalign is created with flexibility and comfort as the main considerations. Invisalign treatment provides a patient with enhanced dental function and smile aesthetics.

To determine one’s treatment suitability, the dentist will have to conduct a thorough evaluation of the entire mouth area prior to taking teeth impressions. In ensuring that the Invisalign aligners are customized to individual needs, the dentist use 3D imagery.

Afterwards, the dentist will devise a concrete invisalign treatment plan with which the progress will be assessed against. Upon completion, the aligner will be fitted, providing optimum comfort to the wearer.

The dentist will assess teeth alignment progress. Aligners will be then replaced after two weeks after the bi-weekly assessment. When the treatment is completed, a retainer will be provided so that teeth relapse can be prevented.

Invisalign Benefits

Invisalign is a discreet treatment; it is hardly noticeable by onlookers. Particularly among conscious teenagers, self-image of the patients will be preserved. Thus, the patients will feel confident during the treatment.

Invisalign aligners are not only comfortable, but these are also easy to maintain you can go about your oral hygiene without changing any routine.

Patients will feel more confidence after the treatment since they now have straighter teeth obtained in just a short period of time.