We provide our clients with a sparkling new smile within just a day. This has been possible due to the all-on-4 dental implant system. Conventional dental arches require between 6 and 10 implants for full support. With all on 4, however, only 4 implants will be needed to properly support the arch.

How Does All-on-4 Dental Implants Work?

Also called teeth in a day or same day teeth, all-on-4 dental implants procedure requires placing implants at specified angles into the jawbone. These are 2 implants at 90o angles in front and 2 implants at between 30 and 45o angles at the back. With precise placement, the dental implants would be able to support the arch optimally. This will also allow the dentures-generated force to be evenly distributed.

All-on-4 Procedure

An individual’s treatment suitability must be determined first through carrying out tests as well as X-rays. Once the candidate’s suitable is established, an initial briefing will be carried out where the dentist and the patient may discuss the treatment procedures. This wills also the time for the dentist to answer the questions of the patient.

When the patient decided to continue with it, an appointment will be scheduled where any necessary tooth or teeth will be extracted. Upon positioning the implants, the patient will be fitted with temporary teeth. The dental implants will undergo an initial healing period. When the implants are fully healed, the procedure will be completed where the permanent prosthetic is placed on the anchorage.

All-on-4 dental implants are perfect for people who:

  • Have a thinning jawbone caused by bone loss and thus, are now unable to be treated with conventional implants
  • Have loose dentures and hence, are tired the pains and aches associated with wearing ill-fitting dentures
  • Have wished for their bridges or crowns to be replaced with a solution that is more permanent

In most cases, our dentists have advised and treated patients that have inadequate bone density.

All-on-4 Dental Implants Benefits

The major benefit of all-on-4 is enjoying a new smile almost instantly. You will go home with a brand new set of teeth and smile.

Nevertheless, all-on-4 dental implants benefit those people who lack sufficient bone tissue.

Yet another advantage is its cost-effectiveness. All-on-4 dental implants require few visits to the dental office. There are only few appointments that need to be organized.