We invest in the most advanced techniques in providing our patients with facial rejuvenation treatments. These treatments include 1) dermal fillers and 2) wrinkle reduction, both of which aim at hiding the effects of aging for healthier glowing skin. Several of our clients have benefited in opting for these non-surgical treatments, enhancing their physical appearance and leading to greater confidence.

Dermal Fillers

Two non-invasive dermal fillers that we use are Juvederm and Teosyal. These fillers smoothen out the skin leading to the immediate enhancement of any patient’s facial aesthetics. Only qualified clinicians can perform dermal filler treatment, and it usually takes an hour to complete. Patients may experience mild discomfort following treatment. Generally though, recovery is fast and allergic reactions are highly unlikely.

Dermal filler treatments are perfect for those with different facial enhancement needs such as:

  • Lip volume augmentation
  • Lip volume enhancement
  • Facial contouring
  • Facial line reduction
  • Deep fold reversal
  • Wrinkle correction

In maintaining the results of the treatments, repeated treatments are advised. The results usually last between 6 to 10 months.

From the name itself, dermal fillers fill and then flatten folds on the skin, making the skin appear more toned. This is more so on the mouth (the lips in particular), nose, eyes, and forehead..

Wrinkle Reduction

Wrinkle reduction treatments are conducted for rejuvenating your face. These treatments are performed to relax contracted muscles on the face for a more youthful, well-toned, and fully revitalized look.

Results of the treatment are evident in 2 to 3 days following treatment. In maintaining the effects of the treatments, procedures are repeated after 3 to 4 months as recommended. Procedures may lead to minimal swelling and discomfort, but this should be temporary.