Individuals suffering from missing tooth or teeth because of trauma, decay or disease will definitely benefit from our dental implant treatment. Dental implants replace a missing tooth or teeth. Implants are also used in securing other restoration treatments like dentures and crowns. Dental implants are utilized for added support and stabilization of artificial tooth or teeth restoration for the patient to experience optimum security and comfort.

Our oral contours as well as the shape of our teeth change over time, and those patients wearing dentures may find this as a major problem. In combining dentures with dental implants, stability can be greatly improved.

Further, dental implants are made from titanium posts, which are inserted through gum tissue and onto pre-drilled areas on the jawbone. Dental implants are created to fuse with such by means of osseointegration.

Permanent implants will be then fitted prior to inserting the tooth. Implants may be placed on the upper or the lower jaw or both. These implants can now support dentures (partial or full) so that greater retention is achieved. Implants can also secure bridges.

Dentists will have to determine whether you are a suitable candidate for dental implant or not. They will assess your oral health specifically the condition of your jawbone. Evidently, not all people are suitable for this type of treatment.

Dental implants offer a more secure, safer, and more effective method of teeth replacement. Dental implants do not need special cleaning method. They usually last many years particularly when properly taken care of.